Demanding too much from a guy in a relationship and being possessive
is undoubtedly considered as the part and parcel of the female psyche.
Women usually have the tendency to exhaust men emotionally, but that is
not always the case. We completely understand that people do person
experiences many “thick and thins” during their lives. But even then
this excuse is not enough to cut out communication with your partner and
leave her stranded.
If your partner hesitates while telling the truth, then this compilation is tailor-made for you.
15. No more love
The moment your partner starts complaining that “you are not the same
anymore”, get alert dear. This is the very first sign of falling out of
love. But this is not it. Eventually, there’ll come a time when he’ll
say that you don’t love him anymore, and that’s when you’ll go mad.
Remember, going mad is no bad. In fact, you have the right to go crazy
if he is putting HIS FAULTS on your shoulder.
14. Demanding space
It starts with you spending days and nights with your partner; and
all of a sudden he backs off. This demand for space is not a problem at
all, but that does not mean that it cannot trouble your relationship. Do
not let the demand growth. Try and kill it as soon as possible. The
expanding distance between both of you can prove to be a perfect
invitation for the breakup agents.
13. No clear direction
If your man wants to be with you, he will do anything to stay with
you and make you feel easy. Your relationship will lose its freshness
when he starts losing interest in you. Your partner ignoring the
material things in your relationship and getting confused regarding the
future is one of the top reasons behind the death of the love between
both of you.
12. Excuses, excuses and excuses….
Believe it or not, your partner will have the dumbest excuses for not
doing almost everything that you would want to do with him. It seems
like as if he has suddenly become a skilled excuse maker for everything
every time. Moreover, your weekend plans might even get cancelled too,
and that even very frequently. Well, if you notice this then that means
you both are ready to fall down.
11. Making new friends
If your partner is continuously ignoring you when he is with his
friends then you should better worry. To make male friends is not a big
issue. The problem starts when he starts spending time with girls that
you do not know. Moreover, he keeps them as his first priority and pays
zero attention to your text messages.
10. Lost interest
Thing gets even trickier when a guy stops paying attention to what
his girlfriend says. Imagine that you are telling your guy an extremely
important story, and he hears it physically but ignores listening to it
mentally. This indicates that he does not own your problems anymore.
9. The boring date nights
At the start, spending the nights dating with your partner was fun.
But now the things are not same. He is no fun at all, he gives a same
old reply to everything that you say, he does not tell you what’s going
on in his life, he keeps scrolling his phone and you have nothing to
discuss; are all the signs that it’s not working anymore. Probably he
has already found something or something more attention-worthy.
8. Ignoring the physical part
Yes, we know that relationships are all built around the emotions and
feeling and mental factors. But that never eliminates the importance of
the physical aspect. Spending nights together and having a whole lot of
fun holds its own significance. If he repeatedly avoids getting
physical with you, then this surely means that he is weakening one of
the main pillars that your relationship is standing on.
7. He doesn’t try anymore
If your partner shows lack of interest in your day because he doesn’t
care about how was your day or if your relationship is just a normal
and a regular routine, then you need to think about your relationship
with a person who makes your relationship a routine for you which often
becomes dull and boring. A relationship which is based on love is not a
routine and it shouldn’t be that way.
6. Getting cheap
Every girl wants her guy to treat her like a queen. A girl always
gets treated like a daddy’s princess, and she demands the same treatment
from her partner. Yes, your partner used to pay bills and treat you
well when it all got started. But you should occasionally check that
where your relationship stands. Is he asking you to pay the bills? Is he
continuously abusing you? If that is the case then do not listen to his
lame excuses and ask him to treat you right.
5. He forgets
Both of you make plans when you are on call and the other day he
completely forgets about the plans that you made. He remains busy and
avoids the meeting that he planned for you. He forgets your birthday and
even neglects to wish you a happy anniversary at 12:00 am. This
probably means one thing, which is that your relationship is not the
first thing on his mind. He does not think of you the way he did before.
4. He wants to change you
You guys seemed perfect to each other in the beginning. After some
time, you starting noticing his flaws and loved him even more for them.
But the case with your partner is vice versa. He used to tell you he
loves you but now he wants to change you. He gets annoyed by everything
you do. This is a sign that love is long gone and you need to think
about maybe reinvesting in your relationship.
3. He always plays the blame game
Relationships are all about mutual understanding. It requires
combined efforts for a love story to flourish. One must accept his/her
faults in a relationship and try to rectify what went wrong. Well if
your partner is playing the blame games and eventually blaming you for
everything that went wrong, then we have a bad news for you. He might be
hiding his flaws, deficiencies and mistakes while playing such games.
2. He’s too busy
He’s reluctant in spending time with you. Things are not the same
anymore. You might find him distracted than usual in your presence,
which shows that he just doesn’t want to spend time with you physically
when you are there. He would look into his mobile phone or maybe in some
other stuff and would demand distance and space. His distance only
means that he’s not into it anymore.
1. No calls or texts
In the ancient times, people used to communicate through the letters that were sent via pigeons or the postmen.
The sending process took hours, even days, to communicate. But if
your partner takes hours and days to reply in today’s world of
electronic communication, then our conclusion would be no surprise to
you. He has found some other ways of amusing himself.
Society constantly makes the assumption that only jealous people sense
the feeling of infidelity in a relationship. Society also makes the
assumption that men are the usual culprits. But women are just as likely
to cheat on their partner as men do. With that said, there are signs
that your girlfriend is cheating on you.
Getting the feeling that your girlfriend is cheating is not easy to
explain, especially if she doesn’t appear to have done anything wrong.
But you have this strange feeling in the pit of your stomach that she
is. Unfortunately this feeling is not enough to accuse or confront her
about cheating. You need to treat it like a law case; you need to be
able to prove it.
In order to prove it, you need to look for patterns or signs that can
help you build your case. Below are the top signs that your girlfriend
is cheating on you.
You’re No Longer A Team: There is nothing more
beautiful than an independent woman. For many years women have fought to
get equal rights and they will do everything in their power to keep
them. But when you’re in a committed relationship,
you have to learn to start working as a team. If you and your
girlfriend were once a team, but now you notice she is going back to her
independent ways, this could be a sign that she is planning on
replacing or leaving you. This is one of the most common signs that your
girlfriend is cheating on you.
She Points Out Every Flaw: Everyone makes mistakes
and no one is perfect in this world, and your girlfriend knows that. But
if you notice that she has been pointing out every flaw of yours, she
might be trying to give herself some fuel to break up with you. She may
also be trying to make it seem that the reason she’s breaking up with
you is because of all the flaws she’s been pointing out.
Constantly Wondering Where You Are: You might think
it is sweet that your girlfriend wants to know what your plans are for
the day, but there is a chance that she is only doing this so she can
make sure you two don’t run into each other. When someone is cheating,
the obvious goal is to never get caught, and the only way to do that is
to know where your partner is at all times.
Dismissive:If your girlfriend is usually a good
listener and a very approachable person, then it might be a red flag if
she begins to be very dismissive. If she stops listening to things you
are telling her or shrugs off questions when you ask her, you might want
to start looking for cheating clues.
Source: graphbottles/shutterstock.comte
Nights At Work: Being supportive in a
relationship is essential, especially if it involves your girlfriend
trying to get a promotion at work. However, if someone’s occasional late
nights turn into constant late nights every week, this could be a red
flag. If she isn’t cheating, she’ll realize that sometimes there are
more important things in life than work.
She Stops Opening Up: Sometimes people think that
cheating is only a physical act. But emotional cheating can be just as
tragic if not more. If your girlfriend has stopped opening up to you
despite your persistent approach to talking to her, she may have found
someone else that she is opening up to.
Source: AnaBlazicPavlovic/
She Has Many New Friends: There is nothing wrong
with having a large social circle. Different faces and personalities
always make for good friendships. But if you notice that she’s making
new friends and you haven’t been invited to meet them at any point,
something might not be right. This could be a sign that she is trying to
move to a different crowd that has no association with you.
Source: stockfour/
Trouble In the Bedroom: A healthy sex life
is an important part of an intimate relationship. It doesn’t mean that
you have to constantly show your love and affection through physicality
every single day, but if there is a lack of spontaneous activity, there
could be a problem. Every relationship has its ups and downs and
sometimes the sex life can get stale. If your girlfriend’s interest in
being intimate with you keeps decreasing, she might be getting her fix
from someone else.
Her Phone Gets All the Attention:With the invention
of the smartphone, people rarely have to spend time with each other
because they can interact with different types of social media. In
relationships, it’s a good way to stay connected when you’re not
together, but when you are with each other, there should be no need for
phones. If your girlfriend is on her phone more frequently than usual
when she’s with you, she might be cheating. She might also be obsessed
with her social media, which is also an issue as well.
Complete Makeover: Signs that your girlfriend is cheating on you definitely includes her getting a complete makeover.
It’s natural for both partners to get comfortable in a relationship
over time. This is a good thing though, it shows that both of you feel
that the relationship is in a stable place. However, if you notice that
she has bought new clothes, got a fresh new style to her hair and is
wearing perfume every time she leaves the house, it could be a red flag.
She might try and play it off and say she’s trying to look good for
you, but you know that she looked good even before she did this
Source: Miramiska/
She’s Hiding Things: I’m all for having personal
space when it comes to certain things. If I have a password on my phone,
it doesn’t mean I’m hiding things, it just means I don’t want anyone
invading my privacy. However, if your girlfriend becomes very defensive
about her phone, laptop or tablet, there might be a raise for concern.
This is especially true if you find her changing her passwords or
getting really jumpy as soon as you walk into the room. This is one of
the strongest signs that your girlfriend is cheating on you.
Let me remind you that these behaviors should only be used as signs
and not actual proof. The last thing you want to do is make a big scene
about something that might not even be true because it could have
consequences for your relationship. However, do not ignore the signs
that your girlfriend is cheating on you, use them as a guideline if you
decide to confront her.
In our day-to-day lives, work, school, and other stressors can make
it hard to maintain a strong relationship like when they first started.
It can be a struggle to get a relationship back in the place that you
want it to be. “Well, it seems to me that the best relationships – the
ones that last – are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship.”
– Gillian Anderson But like Nicholas Sparks mentioned, “Every couple
needs to argue now and then. Just to prove that the relationship is
strong enough to survive. Long-term relationships, the ones that matter,
are all about weathering the peaks and the valleys.” Luckily, there are
plenty of things that can help strengthen a relationship and keep the
feeling of love steady and strong. It’s the little things that really
help build up a relationship. Sure, you need the strong foundations to
start off with, but the smaller things help build up a relationship and
keep it strong.
1. Check Up On Each Other
When you both make it a habit to check in on one another, it can
really help strengthen the feeling of love between you. Couples who call
one another after a long day at work to see how they’re feeling, or
send a text to make sure that they made it home okay after a long
journey, will have a better connection and feel taken care of by one
another. It’s such a small thing, but it can really make a world of
A couple who can share a sense of humor and laugh together will form
all kinds of emotional bonds that can help keep the relationship running
strong. Psychologist Doris Bazzini, Ph.D. says, “Laughter reminiscence
packs an additional punch because people relive the moment by laughing
again.” Whether you decide to sit down with a funny movie, or just an
evening of watching funny YouTube videos, laughing together is
important. Once a couple laughs together, their brains will be wired to
associate each other with happiness and laughter.
Whether it’s just your feelings, or emotional and traumatic things
from your past, learning to share with your partner can make your
relationship that much stronger. Couples who feel as if they can tell
one another anything will have a stronger relationship than couples who
are afraid to be vulnerable with one another. Strength comes from being
able to trust one another, and couples who can share will have a strong
and lasting relationship.
Everyone wants to feel heard when they talk, so having good listening
skills is important in any relationship. Everyone should be able to
listen openly when their partner speaks. Letting your partner know that
you’re listening to their feelings, fears or concerns will help make it
easier for them to trust you. With trust, comes strength in any
relationship. Couples who are good at listening to one another will have
a lasting, strong relationship.
Being completely honest will help keep the relationship strong, even
if it’s not something that your partner wants to hear. Couples who are
able, to be honest about how they’re feeling, what they’re thinking and
their opinions on certain topics are able to keep their relationship
strong despite all of it. “What honesty gives you is a great deal of
comfort. Knowing you can implicitly trust your mate allows you to be
your best self, and your relationship will continue to thrive because
you are able to give each other the positive energy you need to navigate
life’s ups and downs,” says psychotherapist, syndicated columnist, and
radio host Barton Goldsmith Ph.D. It’s important to be able to trust
that your partner is going to be honest with you, no matter what.
Being spontaneous helps make sure that the relationship doesn’t fall
into a rut. If you want to get in the car and take a vacation one town
over for the weekend, do it! If you want to make random plans, follow
through! “Over time, it’s inevitable that life falls into a pattern of
routine and “same old, same old.” It’s easy to fall into behaviors that
are reliable, steady, and boring as well. So it’s important to change it
up from time to time to alter our thinking, provide a new perspective,
and create interest and excitement,” says psychiatrist Abigail Brenner
M.D. Couples will have a strengthened relationship when they’re able to
go with the flow and give in to their impulses.
Having access to the Internet in these countries is one of the best gifts their government can give to the citizens.
In Africa, mobile technology
has evolved rapidly but access to the internet is considered a luxury in
several parts of the continent.
According to the Internet World Statistics,
only 18 percent of the continent’s population have access to the
internet. Even with about 17 fibre cables crossing the Atlantic Oceans
to Africa, broadband services are still more expensive in the region
than other countries in the world.
play How people are connected to the Internet.
on this situation, here are countries in Africa where access to the
internet is only for the wealthy and elite. In these countries, an
individual internet user pays at least $100 to get access to the
1. Burkina Faso
Faso has the most expensive cost of internet in the world. To get
access to a broadband in the West African country, it cost around
$972.26 a month for average internet users.
Burkina Faso ranked 196 out of the 196 countries surveyed in the study.
2. Namibia
ranked 194 of 196 world countries on the cost of internet. For the
Southern Africa country, it costs $451.12 on a monthly basis to have
access to the internet.
3. Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe is currently undergoing economic challenges that has affected development in all aspects of life in the country.
For internet users in the country, $170.00 is allocated for broadband packages. Zimbabwe was ranked 188th in the world.
4. Mali
is another country with high cost of internet. In the Sahel desert
nation, internet users spend on average $165 monthly to secure access
to the internet.
Mali was ranked 187th on the cost of internet in the world.
5. Angola
Angola, a limited number of telecom companies in the country also
accounts for high-cost broadband in the Southern Africa nation.
An average internet user in the country budgeted $139 monthly expenses on a broadband package. Angola is ranked 180th.
6. Niger Republic
cost internet in the Niger Republic was estimated $121 per month for a
broadband package. The Niger Republic ranked 176th country with most
expensive internet cost across the globe.
7. Somalia
High spate of destruction of communication infrastructure accounts for the high cost of internet in the country.
It cost $117 to get a broadband package in the country. This puts the country as 174th on the cost of internet in the world.
8. Comoros
Cost of the internet in the island nation was estimated at $116 on a monthly average. Comoros ranked 173rd on internet cost.
9. Tanzania
users in Tanzania also budget around $115 to cater for their broadband
need on a monthly basis. Tanzania is positioned as 172nd country with
most expensive cost of internet in the world.
10. Sierra Leone
Leoneans have noted to spend a monthly average of $113 on the internet.
This puts the country as 171st on the cost of internet list.
BENIN—TWO women allegedly involved in homosexual activities in Benin City, Edo State, are in the custody of the state Police Command.
It was learned that their arrest followed a tip-off by members of the public who described it as abominable to the customs and traditions of the nation.
Police operatives
The two accused ladies, (names withheld), were said to have confessed to Police authority that it was true that they were having sex when they were apprehended.
A Police source who craved anonymity, told Vanguard that the two ladies were arrested at a motel in the Government Reservation Area (G.R.A), Benin City on October 18, 2017.
One of the ladies was said to have told the Police in her confessional statement that she is bi-sexual and has a partner who had travelled outside the country hence she wanted to satisfy her sexual urge with the other suspect, not knowing that people were aware of her illicit acts.
She, however, said it was her first time of engaging in sex with her accomplice, noting that she has a secret lover who incidentally was away from Nigeria on the day of her arrest.
Police source confirmed that the women who have been detained will be charged to court for prosecution as steps had also been taken to arrest the other lady who was named as her partner.
Love has no judgment, no agenda, no bias, and no bigotry. Love is love without a concrete definition. It lets go of boundaries, walls, and inhibitions. It is effortless. In relationships it does require work, but it’s just a rhythmic dance of ease and grace. Unfortunately, when it isn’t an easy dance, the relationship ends disastrously. It’s in those moments that we ask, “What happened?”
A woman needs to feel that she matters. If her man is not there to support her, there is no reason to continue a relationship. Women are nurturers. When in a relationship they believe that the man is their entire world. Men tend to detach quickly when they get comfortable. Sometimes in the loneliness of being with someone who is not emotionally present, the noise is deafening. A woman realizes that there is no room for the worthlessness that keeps coming up through the avoidance. When love and attention is not reciprocated, they realize they do not need to stay in that relationship.
There is nothing more detrimental to a woman than not being fully present when she is speaking. A woman is moved by words. She needs to feel that she is understood, accepted, respected and supported. When she is sharing with her mate, it is because she needs to feel a connection with him. Chivalry is masterful. Women love the simple acts of communication and love. Taking out the garbage, doing the laundry, or anything that acknowledges presence is exceptional in a relationship. A woman will move on, while holding her heart, when she feels that she is being taken for granted.
Men are sexual creatures. When they want sex they are ready. A woman needs intimacy, foreplay, and the feeling of being completely desired by her man. Routine is the kiss of death. A woman wants spontaneity. She craves to be romanced. Women live in their heads. Therefore, when a man is only being stimulated by porn or other women or just wants to have a release, a woman will be completely turned off. There is a moment in a woman’s life when she realizes that if her man doesn’t desire her, or makes her feel special (in and out of bed) then it’s time to move on.
Midlife hits everyone differently. Most women do not require a new car or fancy clothes. They need to know that they are sexy and wanted by their men. Menopause starts to creep into the picture, and what was once easily tolerated is no longer. Life changes: Children leave to college; a parent needs full time care; or financial stress is present. Women who overcome cancer or other illnesses also find a reset button that pushes the men out of their lives. A woman needs to know that these life changes are being navigated with strength and dignity alongside her man. When there is no support, a woman will quickly disassemble her life to get rid of her man.
Men fall into comfortable routines. The older they get, the less they want to participate in anything that is not about them. This is also why some men go through a massive midlife crisis. But, women need serendipitous moments. They need to know that they matter. Even a small note on a coffee mug is enough to bring appreciation into a relationship. Familiarity is not something that feels good in midlife. It feels boring. To a woman, a man is not a fixture. He is a companion.
Women tolerate a lot, but having a man who cares more about being out and about is a definite “no-no!” In today’s world of feminism, a woman doesn’t need a man to take care of her. She needs a partner who will work along her side and appreciate her presence. When a man is more interested in spending time any place but next to her, she will cut him loose. It might take time, but the longer she postpones i
National Assembly okays autonomy for local governments, INEC to be in charge of Local Government elections
The National Assembly on Tuesday, granted full financial and administrative autonomy to all the 774 local council authorities across Nigeria by amending section 124 of the nation’s constitution.
The section provides a consequential provision for the making of the local councils, a full third tier government without undue interference from the state governments.
The ammendment was one of the 22 others approved by the House of Representatives last week and ratified by the Senate on Tuesday.
Both chambers had through a conference committee harmonised versions of the ammendments into the constitution carried out by each of them last month.
By the development, the National Assembly had ratified all the 23 clauses and sections that had been ammended by both chambers.
The newly ammended document which would be sent to States Houses of Assembly, for approval, also approved the creation of the Office of Auditor – General of the Local Government as
well as the State Local Government Service Commission.
The section equally deleted the State Independent Electoral Commission from the constitution thereby vesting the powers to conduct council elections on the Independent National Electoral Commission.
It however, retained the immunity clause in the constitution for the President and Governors by adopting the Senate version of the ammendments on the issue and rejected the House of Representatives version which removed the immunity clause.
The National Assembly also made provisions for Independent candidacy in future elections in Nigeria by amending sections 65 and 106 of the 1999 constitution.
12 Sweet Ways To Remind Your Boyfriend That You Love Him
By Simon
Love is a sweet thing to happen to anybody, it makes you feel you are in a pink cloud. Why is it important for a girl to remind her boyfriend in sweet ways that she loves him? The reason is that guys have a tendency of losing their patience in a relationship, much sooner than the girls. Somewhere things begin to get stale and boring for them. Hence, a girl needs to constantly remind her boyfriend about the love she has for him. It’s just like charging your mobile that is low in battery, that simple.
Therefore, there are many sweet ways to express your love to your boyfriend, which will grasp his attention. When you begin to implement these sweet ways, then the romance becomes more alive and the bonding turns stronger. None of these sweet ways are anyway strenuous or painful if you really love your boyfriend.
Also, read 15 Signs Your Man Is Probably Thinking About Breaking Up With You
1. Do what he likes.
Whenever there is spare time try and do things that your boyfriend likes. If he has a love for action movies or a game, switch it on and watch it along with him.
2. Wear the dress he really loves.
Every boyfriend finds their girlfriend cute or sexy in a particular dress, which they love to see them wearing. So, if you have the clue of which dress, then without any hesitation wear it for him. Now, whether that is a skirt, jeans or an evening gown, make sure to put it on. People pleasing in this area is beneficial.
3. Give him a surprise gift.
When your boyfriend is at home and with him least expecting, surprise him with a gift. Buy him something, that he has been wanting for quite some time, this will be like a cherry on the cake. It will assure that you love him.
4. Write him a love letter.
The best way to express your love is through love letters when you pen down your thoughts and feelings for your boyfriend. Let not the content be too serious, but add a little humorous touch to it. It may look old-fashioned, but this will be cherished and remembered by him for a long time.
5. Cook the dish he loves to eat.
They say, that to get to a man’s heart is via his stomach. Cook up the dish he loves the most, and surprise him with something delicious. This will definitely grab his attention and remind him too, that how much you care for him.
6. Recreate the first date, when you met.
He has always taken you out, but now it’s your turn and the best place to take him, is the spot where you first met. When there, remind him how he made you go crazy over him. This will certainly remind him and take him down memory lane, along with goosebumps.
7. Send him a romantic text.
A quick “I love you” text when he’s at the office will really make an impact on him. There’s something incredibly sweet about an unexpected loving text message from you that can lit-up his entire day. Complimenting him for being a lovable boyfriend, will pep his self-esteem and make him feel worthy.
8. Send him a cute selfie.
When you are away from him, send him cute selfies during the day, whether it’s from your workplace, home or with your friends. Every boyfriend loves to see their girlfriend’s images popping up on their phone, confirming him that he is been thought of.
9. Leave a sweet note.
You can leave a sweet note anywhere here and there, either in his lunch box or on his car steering wheel. Write how much you love him and miss him, trust me, this little gesture from you, will be really appreciated by your boyfriend.
10. Get to know his friends.
One of the sweet ways to remind your boyfriend that you love him is by being friendly with his friends and getting to know them. It makes him feel secure that you care for him and his friends too. Friends also have a special place in their life and he will highly respect you for this understanding.
If you're in a relationship, before you take that plunge, here are 5 sure-fire signs to know he's THE ONE
Relationships are no
walk in the park, granted they can be fun, fulfilling and take us to the
highest possible points of feeling, but they can also try the patience
of the Biblical Job.
What's even more
challenging is finding the right person to settle down with, as any
single person can attest, this is where the true test lies.
today's world, there are too many people who have settled with the
wrong person for all the wrong reasons either from a lack of choice, or a
fear of rocking the boat.
Also, we can get so caught up in chasing hearts and flowers that we forget the little things that truly count.
So, if you're in a relationship, before you take that plunge, here are 5 sure-fire signs to know he's THE ONE.
1. They do things they normally won't do on your account:
We're not talking anything drastic like suddenly shaving off your
well-kept afro, it's the simple everyday things like watching your
favourite television show which they absolutely loathe. They do it not
exactly because they like it, but because it's another way of bonding
with you. In such an instance, you friend have found a keeper.
2.You share the same values:
It's very important that you share the same values with your partner
because ultimately it's these things that bind you together - a good
work ethic, loyalty, a shared interest in humanitarian causes and so
forth. It can also be a plus when you share things like background and
religion simply because they go a long way in shaping us as individuals.
3. Your partner is supportive:
There's nothing better or sexier than a supportive partner. Many times
when partners stray, it's because they're seeking support in one form or
the other.
4. They defend you before their family:
Whether we like it or not, a person's family plays a crucial role in a
relationship and when you can count on your partner to always be in your
corner even when the family isn't, it makes life significantly better.
5.You have a mind communication:Is
there anything sexier than a couple who can communicate tons with just a
glance across the room? It's the stuff great romance books, and real
life relationships are made of. It's important to share an intellectual
and almost telepathic connection with your significant other, when this
happens, you know you've struck relationship gold.
So, what signs did you see that let you know you'd met THE ONE? Share your thoughts with us.
They Say The Secret To Your Personality Is The Length Of This Finger. Mine’s Scary True!
You can tell a lot about a person just by looking at the shape of their
fingers, did you know that? It may sound a bit silly and even stupid,
but you’d be surprised at how accurate it can be. Just look at the
picture and then look at your fingers, are you type A, B or C? Choose
your finger shape and read on if you want to find out. You can check
your friends’ shape as well and find out a bit more about their
personality. Tell us if you agree with the description, mine was spot
You are not very open and you don’t share your feelings easily. You
always strive to present yourself much stronger and more independent
than you really are.
You are an emotional person and once you feel connected to someone you can be super fine.
You despise lies, hypocrisy and dishonesty because it goes against your beliefs.
You are reserved when it comes to showing emotions and want to appear cool and strong.
You are known to be a bit eccentric and arrogant. You aren’t very tolerant.
You have a big heart, and you like to help others. You will finish every task you are given even if you don’t like it.
You enjoy having a good laugh, and can
laugh at anything and everything as long as you are amused, even if
it’s not so funny. Your expressions reveal all of your thoughts.
You are generally cold with people you’re not really close to, but can even be overly emotional to your friends and family.
You don’t like to be the first one to approach someone or take actions.
You are very loyal and devoted. If you start falling in love with
someone, you will give them your full attention and will always think
about them.
Deep down inside you have a very sensitive soul, although it may not
look like that at times. Often people get the wrong idea about you
because you are pretending to not know anything in order to protect
someone’s feelings.
You are very committed, once you set your mind on something, you’ll do your best to finish it until the end.
You’re scared of getting hurt. You want people to think that you don’t need anyone, but you dream of finding your soulmate.
You will stay calm even when you are feeling extremely uncomfortable about something.
You easily forget things that make you upset, and you don’t hold a grudge.
You don’t like unfamiliar territories. It bothers you when you have to deal with anything new and unknown.
You are respectful towards other people’s opinions.
You can sometimes come off bossy because your ego is extremely high
when arguing with other people. But, you’ll be the first to apologize
You are not very open regarding your problems and feelings, you always keep them to yourself.
You are very straightforward and you know very well what you like
and dislike. You also like people to be able to trust you and depend on you.
10 Facts About Sexsomnia: Sexual Intercourse During Sleep
We're no strangers to bizarre sexual phenomenon, but this one is a mystery that had us truly baffled. While most of us are dreaming sweet dreams, and letting out bodies enjoy a good rest, others are suffering from a terrible sleep sex condition. Okay, so it doesn't sound that bad when we put it like that, but what if we told you there were people who were literally having sex by accident, with no memory of it in the morning? We can explain...
Known as 'sexsomnia' or sleep sex, this condition causes sufferers to engage in sexual activity while they're sleeping. As in, completely asleep, with no idea what's going on. While it may sound funny at first, this is a very real medical condition that often causes distress and embarrassment to the sufferer. Not to mention their surprised partners!
We hear a lot of people claim they "accidentally" had sex. Maybe they had one too many cocktails and went home with a rando - it wasn't their plan for the night, therefore, the events taking place are referred to as accidental. For those with sexsomnia, they genuinely do have sex by accident, often without any recollection of it ever happening.
There's really no definitive measure, but there are some conditions which may make people more susceptible to developing sexsomnia. People who sleepwalk or experience night terrors have a higher chance of suffering from sexsomnia, too. Doctors say that epilepsy can also cause sleep sex and other unusual sleeping patterns.
We get that being a sexsomniac could be confusing and stressful, but we can't help but feel bad for their partners, too. Sleeping people have woken up to their sexsomniac partners having sex with them, despite having never provided their consent. Of course, sufferers can't help what they do while sleeping, but it sounds pretty traumatic anyway!
Thankfully, sexsomnia is just like other parasomnias in the sense that it happens occasionally, and definitely not every night. The triggers for all parasomnias, including sleepwalking, appear to be alcohol, drugs, stress, and sleep deprivation. While sufferers aren't guaranteed to have an episode by engaging in one of the trigger behaviors, it's much more likely.
We've all heard the warnings to 'never wake a sleepwalker', as it could be dangerous. But this is a myth and they're actually more likely to encounter danger if you DON'T wake them up. Yes, they may be confused and disoriented, but it's better to snap them out of it. The same goes for sexsomnia - feel free to wake them up, especially if you don't want to have sex with them!
Sexsomnia is a relatively new disorder in terms of official medical acknowledgement. The condition was first published in 1996 by three Canadian researchers. Since it's documentation, some men have used the condition as a defense against rape charges, though it's not clear if they were genuinely experiencing sexsomnia or exploiting the condition for their own gain.
So, what does sexsomnia actually look like? Partners of sufferers describe them as usually having their eyes open, however, they are generally unblinking and unresponsive. Talking is also not uncommon, though we doubt the conversation is riveting. Sexsomniacs often feel confused, scared, and guilty about sleep sex, particularly if they wake up during the act
If sexsomniacs manage to make it through an entire sexual act and then continue sleeping, they are extremely unlikely to remember their actions when they wake up. Partners of sexsomniacs have sometimes engaged in sex, not realizing that their lover is actually sleeping. Imagine their shock the next day when they remember nothing!